
New parents? Do this to keep your home tidy & organised.

But even with the space, laid back lifestyle and the community green spaces, the struggle to keep your floors toy-free is real! Somehow, they ‘magically’ populate just about every room in the house, giving you that cluttered, always unorganised feeling.

5 tips to simplify your home with kids

It is possible to follow a minimalist lifestyle even with kids. The key is having systems in place. Implement these easy tips for less Lego-causing chaos, more loving cuddles. With real estate in the Adelaide Hills, you’re likely to have more space, which is helpful as new parents.

1. Identify what’s important

For this one, you might need your little ones to help you. As they play with specific items, ask what they like about it. Pay attention to what the kids are actually using. You’ll probably have a harder time saying goodbye to ‘his first toy’ or ‘her first blanket’ but if they don’t use it, give it to a new home.

2. Contain the toys

Set a household rule that toys are only allowed in the play area and their individual rooms. This will help leave the living area, kitchen and bathrooms clean, minimal, and accident-free.

3. Take play time outdoors

Fence off a little area outside for the kids to run around and enjoy nature’s playground. You don’t need to worry about mess and if you keep the screen door shut, maybe you can clean while they play. With your property in the Adelaide Hills, you’ve probably got a bigger backyard than most new parents.

4. Prep time

Allocate 20-30 minutes of prep time in the morning and evening, where you prepare the kids’ lunches, clothes, backpacks (and yours). It saves you rushing out the door 30 seconds before and forgetting something.

5. Make your schedule visible

Having your weekly calendar of events, meals and appointments visible can help your family stay organised (and your children, independent). But maybe, the problem is the house?

While these are useful tips to implement in the home, disorganisation isn’t always the issue. It’s important to recognise when you’ve outgrown a house. Did you move into the property before you had kids? Has your family grown bigger than the house? Thinking of buying or renting in another area of the Adelaide Hills? We can help with all your Adelaide Hills real estate questions. Many of our real estate agents and property managers are parents too, so we know what you need.